The Province uses Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to manage invasive species. IPM is a decision-making process for managing pests (in this case, invasive species) in an effective, economical, and environmentally sound way. It is a proactive and preventative approach that incorporates a variety of control and treatment options for invasive species. Control strategies may include a combination of behavioural, biological, chemical, cultural and mechanical methods to reduce invasive species populations to acceptable levels.

The Province follows the IPM approach to make decisions based on science and the best information available. This approach includes the following components. Click on each to find out more.

The images below demonstrate various forms of management used in IPM.

Manual Removal

image of a person manually removing scotch broom
Manual removal of scotch broom and other invasive plants using hand pulling and cutting.

Mechanical Removal

image depicting the mechanical removal of invasive plants
Mechanical removal of invasive plants, including scotch broom and spotted knapweed, at a gravel pit on Vancouver Island.

Biological Control

image of a hand holding a beetle
Biological control uses various agents, such as this beetle species that specifically targets spotted knapweed.

Chemical Treatment

image of person in hazmat suit using foliar spray of herbicide for treatment of Himalayan knotweed
Foliar spray of herbicide is the most effective treatment for Himalayan knotweed. After chemical treatment, avoid treated area for 24 hours and avoid disturbing the site for 2 weeks.