When native plants are disturbed, destroyed, or crushed, they can lose their advantage over invasive plants. Any amount of exposed soil is an open door for invasive plant seeds. Once that door is open, invasive plants can grow and dominate, preventing native vegetation from coming back.
Think about how you can minimize disturbance of native plants while conducting your activities.
Dense infestation of scentless chamomile is taking over a disturbed site.
Stay on trails and roads while driving, cycling, or walking, because trampling native species and creating exposed soils allows invasive seeds to take root.
Whether it is a large construction project or the quick installation of a sign, always limit the extent of your disturbance of native vegetation and exposure of soil.
If conducting ditching work, avoid putting soil on established vegetation—move soil to a disposal site or, if side-casting, ensure any exposed soil is flattened and re-seeded as soon as possible.
Disturbance along trails can leave exposed soils.Limit the extent of disturbance and soil exposure during your projects.Minimize disturbance while ditching.